e years, the phrase "impoverished families can hardly nurture rich sons" has been frequently used in public opinions. In reports, for example曾泳醍 , reporting the proportion of rural young people in the top universities is decreasing and the recruitment market is increasingly favoring urban youth seems to be common. However, while China’s population quality and education level has greatly improved, the gaps of material conditions and life experience are still large obstacles for "impoverished youth" to get ahead. Whether the situation is yet to be verified, the social anxiety of "Impoverished families can hardly nurture rich sons" is a reality.Who are the "rich sons" in today’s societies? The word "rich" does not mean they have to get rich or to acquire a high social status. It represents the possibility of life progress and the opportunity to realize the value of life. The second generation of the riches and the officers are certainly accord with the traditional definition of "rich sons". However决战洛杉矶 , if they do not have their own professional skills, neither are able to start a business with their own talents; so-called "rich" only stays superficially.On the contrary,十字架与吸血鬼capu2 the impoverished youth who can start from scratch with their own efforts to create values to themselves and the society as a whole, the title of "rich sons" is inherently telling. As a representative of the outstanding graduates of Harvard University酷比小侦探 , one of China’s impoverished students, Jiang He, once mentioned his successful experience."Every time enter into a larger place and stand on a bigger platform, I always find that there are a lot of things that I have not understood," he said.My strong curiosity drives me to learn them to constantly make up my weaknesses.At the same time, in an era that the internet culture is prosperous王曼妮 , the ways of the impoverished youth to counterattack become more pluralistic. A short time ago爱在暹罗 , Shenwei Shi, a young man from Hubei province, had a screen name "Banzhuanxiaowei". He attracted more than 1 million fans on the short video sharing platform, with a series of homemade high difficulty fitness video. This impoverished young man has moved countless netizens with his experience of growing from a left-behind child and a video-game addicted boy to a famous person with the continuous hard work in fitness to hone and change himself黄山怡 , which conveys positive energy to the society.Today, many famous people on the internet, who have similar experience as "Banzhuanxiaowei", have realized their own value and have transmitted positive energy to the social progress with the access of the internet. Some people exclaim Shenwei’s tenacity, modesty and simplicity are the luxuries of this era. He is a true "rich son" who truly belongs to today. It is undeniable the spread of the flat internet has opened a life-changing window for many impoverished young people and has created another possibility of life.Modern social scientific research shows a person’s success is closely related to the social trust and social support that the person gains. Family background盈月舞清风, education background and work platform do influence a person’s growth path. However, in an era with the pluralism in values and flat transmission channels, the term "rich son" had more abundant implications. In the meantime, "powerful circle of friends", which is composed based on internet, also can provide strong social support to help impoverished youth be successful.A popular speech pervading on the internet清宫遗恨, "Impoverished family大公爵传奇 , rich sons", contains a passage – "Most of us are not from rich families. We are all on our own. So, you have to believe what destiny means to tell you and when it has given you a lower starting point is to let you use your life to create a story of comebacks."It is not chicken soup for the soul, but proposes a critical question. In such an era with infinite possibilities, the topic of whether impoverished families can have "rich sons" is not a topic of "fate" but a story about "struggle".完成阅读来源:China Daily爱语吧作者:闫倩楠上一篇:朝鲜最新核爆威力无穷!韩国民众惊称:我们该有自己的核武器下一篇:没有了共12条评论Justina_0不能天生丽质,那就天生励志voachg1350I who is impoverished need to struggle too!null0w赖陈亦杰0富门常出愧子jinpeng0011130””impoverished families can hardly nurture rich sons” is correct. The proportion of impoverished familied to be rich is very low.wwesy1不然你就躺下过你的普通生活匿名0用一生绝地反击?不好意思这真的太沉重我承受不起gl2kpro0I have no idea about itBetty*^ω^*0不应该是have greatly improved吗脑门封闭症 ?null0你要相信命运给你一个比别人低的起点,是希望你用你的一生去奋斗出一个绝地反击的故事!任珈锐 !?12?我要评论登录快来说点什么吧发表评论相关文章寒门贵子:没有有钱的爹,如何富宋振瑜 ?必须了解的六大中美文化差异新高考弃物理成趋势 我们究竟应不应该放弃物理印度就澳大利亚发布的“挑衅性”羊羔肉广告提出抗议听梅姨讲《My vision for Great Britain》柬埔寨竹火车:将成绝响全国各地庆祝教师节长大后我就成了你:关于“先生”你应该知道的4件事儿生死豪情!阅读速度(wpm)0阅读单词数:0文章阅读量:0我的排名:请登录中国电影行业苹果公司和腾讯微信正面开战戛纳电影节迪斯尼鳄鱼中国对世界电影产业的贡献苹果公司和腾讯微信正面开战 你会选择哪个?2015年戛纳电影节九桩事迪斯尼鳄鱼失控袭人,父亲受伤儿子死亡大国崛起千年大计、国家大事:中共中央、国务院决定设立河北雄安新区!新区资讯:河北雄县房产交易、户口迁入已全面冻结抢帽子交易 !一波未平一波又起:苏格兰第二次独立公投提上议程!习近平:弘扬红军长征精神,实现中华民族伟大复兴周榜月榜01Culture Insider: Four things you may not know about teachers in ancient China长大后我就成了你:关于“先生”你应该知道的4件事儿!02Apple’s iPhone X: Face ID, no home button, $99909.13史上最贵iPhone发布!钱都准备好了吗?03’From revolution to evolution: Revisiting the past 10 years of iPhone09.13那些年我们用过的苹果手机——iPhone十年发展历程回顾04Elon Musk predicts World War III09.10埃隆.马斯克又发“末日预言”:人工智能将引发第三次世界大战05China is Building a ‘Mars Village’ To Prepare For 2020 Launch to Red Planet09.11中国将建立首个“火星村” 模拟火星移居生活06Chairman Mao Memorial Hall reopens to public after 6 months09.09毛主席逝世41周年机战d ,纪念堂重开放,缅怀伟人!07The Latest: China, German leaders discuss North Korea crisis09.08国家主席习近平应约与德国总理默克尔通电话,就朝核问题交换意见!08Hillary Clinton Rules Out Seeking Office Again濑名步 , But Remains Committed To Public Service09.12希拉里宣布不再竞选 但仍将致力于公共服务0910 White-Collar Jobs That Don’t Really Pay as Much as You Think09.12你绝对意想不到的十个低薪白领职业10Upcoming Teachers’ Day celebrated in China09.09全国各地庆祝教师节从难民营到T台 戴头巾的模特突破障碍2017.09.15土星探测成功完成任务2017.09.14前美国驻韩国大使谈平壤核计划攻势2017.09.14遥感技术引领APP新时代2017.09.13卡塔尔农场用堆肥土壤种植庄稼2017.09.13 英语四级 托福英语 VOA英语 剑桥小说馆 新概念英语 英语六级 考研英语 TED英语 BBC英语