
作品分类:全部文章 2020-09-22


金砖五国领导人第九次会晤即将在厦门召开六角蝾螈。而今年早先时候,在成都首次亮相的五国合拍片《时间去哪儿了》(Where Has Time Gone?),是了解其他四国电影文化、风俗民情的捷径之一。
With the ninth BRICS Summit set to open in Xiamen, Fujian province, Where Has Time Gone? the first movie coproduced by the five countries, promises to provide a fascinating insight into their cinematic cultures and customs.

很文艺很山西的贾樟柯导演史诗之心中文版 ,是这部五国合拍片的总监制。
Jia Zhangke, a famous art house director known for his Shanxi province-set stories, leads the project as the movie’s chief producer.

The film will have selected screenings next month, and will be released across the country later this year.
这部影片的灵感,最初来自于一次内部研讨会九寨之子 。有感于《时间都去哪儿了》在2014年春晚之后带来的全民热,再加上广电总局副局长张宏森在会上“点睛式”地提出:“电影是时间和空间的艺术”,首部由金砖五国合拍的影片就此拍板,以时间为主题,进行一次五国电影人的“同题作文”大集锦。
The movie got the first inspiration from a seminar, in which Zhang Hongsen都锦生, the deputy head of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, said cinema is the art of time and space. A song with the same title has become a hit since it was sung in the 2014 Spring Festival gala.

“The world has undergone rapid social and economic change, and most people now lead incredibly fast--paced lives. Time flies姚金玲 , and it is the theme of time that resonates with the five filmmakers from different countries.”
After he sent some invitations, Alexey Fedorchenko of Russia妖气娘 , Madhur Bhandarkar of India傲龙堡, Walter Moreira Salles Jr of Brazil and Jahmil X.T. Qubeka of South Africa joined the project to co-direct the movie.
It marks the first time in history that the five BRICS countries team up on coproducing a movie.

For Jia, the project is a fresh try. The biggest challenges were language, to unify the filming format and differences in time zones.
“最初阴奕彤 ,巴西故事和俄罗斯故事,我们都是从英文字幕翻译到中文的。但后来请了葡萄牙语和俄罗斯语的专家看了后,他们说翻译的意思虽然准确,但是太书面语,台词里原有的那种味道没翻译出来。”
“At one point, we translated the dialogue of the Brazilian and Russian stories from English, but linguists told us that handling things that way resulted in the original flavor being lost, so we retranslated both versions from Portuguese and Russian.”
The 110-minute movie consists of five stories respectively centering on one BRICS country. All five stories end in an old saying or a famous line about time to connect the following one.
据贾樟柯透露,李蕴桥 这也是来自“森局”(电影圈人士对张宏森局长的雅称)的建议。

其中,巴西的故事《颤抖的大地》(When The Earth Trembles),是讲一次泥石流灾难之后,灾民们如何重建人生的故事川岛直美 。
The Brazilian story, titled When the Earth Trembles, looks into the lives of survivors after a massive mudflow caused by a mine dam bursting struck Minas Gerais state on Nov 5, 2015.

俄罗斯的短片《呼吸》(Breathing),开头就是冰天雪地,一对相爱但又相互猜忌的情侣,在一场追逐中男主意外受伤,靠女主改装一个手风琴后,接在他的气管上拉琴送气维持生命韦德伍斯 。
In the Russian section of the film, titled Breathing, a man suspicious about his wife’s loyalty is accidentally injured婴儿汤图片, seriously, as they quarrel. To save her husband’s life the woman has to turn a broken accordion into an oxygen pump.

Jia says that the story that surprised him most was the South African one, Stillborn, a sci--fi tale about a janitor who fights against her destiny, which is pre-programed in a futuristic world.

这个设定在未来世界的故事费利佩六世 ,讲述人类的命运被程序提前设置好,但女主角不甘心人生就此被“全程安排”,在反抗和逃亡之旅中,她发现了一个巨大的秘密。
印度的短章《孟买迷雾》(Mumbai Mist)则可能让中国观众更容易感同身受,故事讲述了一个孤独的老人意外结识一个精灵古怪的街头流浪男孩,两人成为“忘年交”,但突如其来的事故,让老人再次陷入孤独之中。
For most Chinese viewers the Indian story Mumbai Mist may strike the most resonant chord. In the sprawling city a retired man drives away loneliness by befriending a street boy.

In Revive彩蝶舞夏 , the Chinese short story of Where Has Time Gone?痛苦的信仰, Jia again shows his stylish bent for depicting modern Chinese and the confused lives they lead. The story, set in Pingyao, a town in Shanxi province, centers on a middle-aged couple who wrestle with the question of whether they should have a second child.

The story begins with a comedy scene in which a man brandishing a sword jumps off an ancient section of wall to fight against a group of “hunters” who are chasing him and want to capture him, but soon several tourists show up and use their smartphones to take photos. The couples and their neighbors are all live-action performers working and living in the town.
“I’ve always wanted to shoot a modern story that is set in an ancient town. Pingyao has a history that goes back more than 3,000 years. It has been flooded by youngsters since it became a tourist attraction. To some extent, the newcomers have breathed life into the old town.”
In addition, he has long been fascinated by the topic of couples having a second child and going through middle-life crises.
“Since the country adopted the policy that allows families to have a second child, many couples have expressed the wish to do so. But they also encounter many problems, such as economic stress and gaining approval for their decision from the first child.”
“I also wanted to shoot a story about a couple reigniting their enthusiasm for one another and for the own lives after being married for many years.”

当短片结束时fpc人才网 ,唐代诗人王渤《滕王阁序》中的名句“东隅已逝,桑榆非晚”出现在屏幕上。个中韵味悠长:
昔日时光已流逝周辞美 ,人生漫漫,你我携手此生,依然可以珍惜未来。
“The coproduction is making history by transforming BRICS from a political and economic concept into a cultural one.”
